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Boards >> News >> Server Update V.1

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Server Update V.1
by Jimba

Profession: Knight
Level: 150

Posts: 5
Server Update V.1
<p style="font-size: 12px;">Hello players,</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;">ver the last three weeks, a lot has happened. Here are the most important changes and fixes:</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;">&#8226; Fixed some quests, map bugs, everything reported by you, except for Roten Blod (we need to hold off on this for a bit).<br> &#8226; Increased attack from *exevo mas san* (cosmetic adjustment).<br> &#8226; Reduced tier requirements.<br> &#8226; Added teleport cube.<br> &#8226; Added task system (currently under editing and will be finalized by 30.11.2024).<br> &#8226; Added a message window upon entering the game.<br> &#8226; Added in-game messages (server info, top players).<br> &#8226; All lotteries completed.<br> &#8226; Fixed and added some NPCs.<br> &#8226; Minimized bestiary requirements.<br> &#8226; Increased respawn to 1.1.<br> &#8226; Guild creation available on the website.<br> &#8226; Improved website, windows, and CSS layout.<br> &#8226; Added commands: !reward, !soft, !outfit.<br> &#8226; Added stamina doll.<br> &#8226; Fixed bug with exercise weapons.<br> &#8226; Fixed bug causing server crashes (one crash occurred on 15.11.2024 at 21:23).<br> &#8226; Cosmetic map changes.<br> &#8226; Added NPCs: Addoner, Backpack Seller, Buyer (for VIP).<br> &#8226; Increased drop rate of dusts from monsters and added more monsters with dusts and fields.<br> &#8226; Boss levers fixed and a 20-hour cooldown added for re-attacking bosses.<br> &#8226; Removed mechanic from Goshnar's - SoulWar.<br> &#8226; Lion Commander HP increased to 22k.<br> &#8226; Divine Caldera reinforced again.<br> &#8226; Royal Almandine added to NPC Hannah.<br> &#8226; Removed requirement for 4 players for Annihilator and some Ferumbras Ascendant bosses.<br> &#8226; Changed server restart time to 22:00.<br> &#8226; Security enhancements have been implemented on the website, and the site is now hosted separately from the game server to ensure smoother gameplay.</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;">Thanks to your support, an advertisement was purchased on Otservlist with yellow highlighting.</p> <p style="font-size: 12px;">I hope you're enjoying the game, and it will only get better!</p> <p style="font-size: 12px; text-align: right; font-weight: bold;">Your Jimba</p>
27.11.24 01:23:55
